Find out everything about Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – TENS

MamaTENS Review

MamaTENS ReviewMamaTENS Unit

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is being considered as a safe form of pain relief therapy for women going through the duration of childbirth. Pregnant women can use the MamaTENS unit as a pain management device.

For some pregnant women, the process of childbirth may be painful from their early contractions while for others, it might be so when the cervix begins to dilate to become ready for the arrival of the child.

MamaTENS Unit to Rescue

The MamaTENS unit makes uses of an innovative technology to provide pain relief by suppressing the pain being felt by pregnant women. The digital technology that is uses works in two ways:

  • It helps by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body's own pain-relieving hormones.
  • It also stimulates the nerves in the spine to block the pain signals that are about to reach the brain to cause discomfort.

Using the MamaTENS Unit

The MamaTENS unit has a number of pre-set and clinical proven settings that help to the pain to subside and offer the expecting mother much desired comfort and relief.

During labour, the caretaker of the pregnant woman can attach four self-adhesive electrode pads on her back, two below the bra line and another tow on the lower back. The unit then transmits electrical impulses through the skin via these pads. Pain suffering women have reported feeling positive effects immediately.

Features of MamaTENS

As mentioned earlier, the MamaTENS unit comes equipped with clinically pre-set programs that are based on the condition of the pregnant woman. The button controls are simple to understand and easy to use. The batteries and pads are also provided along with the machine.

Reviews by Pregnant Women

Many women have recounted their experience in the reviews section of the product's website as well as on different health related forums. Most of them have reported excellent pain relief provided by it.

Pregnancy related pains can be really painful for a woman. If you are woman going through this phase, you must consult your doctor to talk about using a MamaTENS unit and start using it under her supervision to relieve that discomforting pain. Good luck to all you pregnant women!