Find out everything about Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – TENS

Things to Decide When Buying a TENS Unit

Things to Decide When Buying a TENS UnitA TENS Unit

Just like you would do for buying any useful appliance or machine, you should perform a thorough research before buying a TENS unit machine. You need to make sure whether and why you need such a machine at all, and if you do, try to understand how and why it is used.

Only after you have understood how exactly a TENS unit works will you be able to decide which of the numerous models available is actually suitable to you, based on the kind of pain relief you are looking forward to. For example, you'll have to take into account the number of electrodes and leads attached to a unit among other things.

Consider the following before buying a TENS unit machine:

Basic Functions of a TENS Unit

First of all, you should look at the basic functions of a TENS unit system like the number and placement of buttons and touch pads. See if you can distinguish clearly about a control's performance. Are the buttons too small or too big? Can you switch them on or off accidentally? Are the controls clearly labeled in order to make any needed changes easily?

The reason behind this inspection is that you don't want an unintended power surge flowing through the electrodes during your treatment as it may cause some discomfort or even pain. Some models come with a cover over the controls, which is nice as it will prevent any accidental or mistaken setting adjustments.

Size and Brightness of the Display

Another thing to watch out for when buying a TENS display is the size and brightness of the display. Depending on your vision, you should be able to clearly observe the readings, and a bigger LED display screen is usually perfect for this purpose.

Batteries and Power

Check the battery compartment to make sure whether you can easily change spent batteries in a smooth fashion. However, the cost of changing batteries being what it is, it is always desirable to have an AC power adapter for your TENS unit so that you may use power at most times or whenever you are close to a power source.

Package Deals

Consumer awareness dictates that we get the best value for our money. Therefore look out for a TENS unit that comes in the form of a package. This kind of package might include additional or spare electrodes as well as gel. Try to get a free case to carry your unit around in order to prevent damage to it.

Also, any additional batteries, if offered, will save you some money. If the package comes with miscellaneous items, and you won't be using some of them, you may ask the dealer to replace those with more of those that you will.

Manufacturer and Retailer

Since you are buying a product that will directly affect your health, please ensure that the TENS unit you are buying is manufactured by a reputable company and is being sold by a trusted retailer (there are a lot of fake copies of everything available these days!).

Use the Internet to find reviews on the product and company to find out about what other people are saying about its quality.

Return Policy and Warranty

As mentioned above, if the retailer you are buying your TENS machine from is trustworthy, it will have a clear return policy in place. After all, you can only find out about the efficacy of your product after you've used it for a while and should have an option to return or exchange it, in case of dissatisfaction.

A good and long warranty on any product is always welcome and also displays the confidence of the manufacturer in their products. Discuss with your retailer about how the related manufacturer actually honors those warranties.

We have reviewed some of the TENS units available in the market for your convenience. You may click on any one of the following links to find out: